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Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Reveal Book Vending Machine
Connor RussoAug 1, 2024 2:40:32 PM5 min read

Challenging Chronic Absenteeism in Schools

Challenging Chronic Absenteeism in Schools

In recent years, educators and policymakers have been grappling with a growing concern: finding a solution for chronic absenteeism among K-12 students. The issue is particularly persistent in elementary and middle schools. Defined as missing 10% or more of the academic year, chronic absenteeism has far-reaching consequences for student achievement and future success. But amidst this attendance crisis, an innovative solution has emerged – book vending machines. These novel devices are incentivizing school attendance while promoting literacy.


Teacher helps a student make a selection from Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine

The Escalating Challenge of Chronic Absenteeism

The statistics paint a troubling picture of student engagement. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, chronic absenteeism rates have skyrocketed. For instance, in the 2021-22 school year, more than one in four students (29%) in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools were chronically absent – more than double the pre-pandemic rate. This trend is mirrored in school districts nationwide, affecting both urban and rural communities.

Several factors contribute to this surge in school absences:

  1. The lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including health concerns and disrupted learning routines
  2. Increased mental health issues among students, such as anxiety and depression
  3. Socioeconomic factors, including lack of transportation, unstable housing, and limited access to healthcare


The Critical Importance of Addressing Absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism is not just a matter of missed class time. Being absent has profound implications for students' educational outcomes and future prospects. Research shows that it's directly linked to lower academic performance, decreased standardized test scores, higher dropout rates, and reduced chances of pursuing higher education. Moreover, the effects ripple out to impact entire communities, as students who frequently miss school are less likely to develop the skills needed to effectively contribute to the workforce and economy.


Innovative Solution: Book Vending Machines

Enter Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine – a creative approach that's turning heads and changing behaviors in schools across the country. The concept is simple yet effective: students earn tokens or coins for good attendance, positive actions, and academic achievements.Carter Beardsley, CA student who purchased and donated Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine These tokens can then be used to "purchase" books from the vending machine, creating a tangible reward system that encourages both attendance and reading.



This system offers multiple benefits:

Book Vending Machine Benefits Description
Attendance Boost Incentivizes regular school attendance
Literacy Promotion Provides easy access to a variety of books
Student Engagement Creates excitement around reading and acheievement
Positive Culture

Fosters a school environment centered on learning


Success Stories: Book Vending Machines in Action

The impact of book vending machines is already being felt in numerous schools, demonstrating their potential to combat chronic absenteeism and boost literacy rates.

In Delano, California, a book vending machine shared by Harvest Elementary and La Vina Middle School has dispensed free books to 40 students in just its first week of operation. The brainchild of 17-year-old Carter Beardsley, this initiative aims to improve literacy rates and give back to the community. Beardsley notes, "With literacy comes numeracy. When people struggle to read, they may not be able to understand a math problem as easily as someone else."


See and hear the full interview with Carter Beardsley on his episode of the Reading Revolution Podcast.


Similarly, Quail Hollow Middle School in Charlotte, North Carolina, has implemented a book vending machine as part of a larger attendance initiative.

Principal Rachael Neill observes, "The book vending machine is an exciting way to bring new attention to school attendance in a fun way. Plus, this tool addresses multiple goals simultaneously – celebrating attendance by encouraging reading."

See how this Charlotte NC school improved their chronic absenteeism with Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine.


Implementing Book Vending Machines: A Community Effort

For schools considering this innovative approach to boost student engagement and combat absenteeism, here are some key steps:

  1. Partner with organizations and businesses: Many schools have found success by collaborating with literacy councils, local businesses, and sports teams to fund and stock the machines. These partnerships can provide resources and support for sustainable implementation.
  2. Set up a clear reward system: Establish criteria for earning tokens, focusing on attendance improvement, academic achievements, and positive behaviors. This system should be transparent and easily understood by students and families.
  3. Select appropriate books: Work with organizations like Promising Pages to ensure a diverse selection of engaging books that cater to different reading levels, interests, and cultural backgrounds. This variety helps ensure that every student can find a book that resonates with them.
  4. Track and adjust: Monitor the program's impact on attendance rates, literacy levels, and overall student engagement. Use this data to make necessary adjustments and maximize the effectiveness of the initiative.
  5. Involve the school community: Engage teachers, staff, and families in the process to create buy-in and ensure the program's success. Their support is crucial for maintaining enthusiasm and participation.

Conclusion: Turning the Page on Chronic Absenteeism

As we face the growing challenge of chronic absenteeism in our schools, innovative solutions like book vending machines offer a beacon of hope. By combining the appeal of a vending machine with the enduring value of books, schools are finding creative ways to boost attendance, promote literacy, and foster a love of learning.

The success stories from Delano and Charlotte demonstrate that when communities come together to support their students, positive change is possible. As Men Tchaas Ari, president and CEO of Communities in Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, aptly puts it, "Chronic absenteeism has real-life consequences for students, families, and society — but the good news is, chronic absenteeism can be reduced when the community comes together to intervene and rally around our kids."

It's time for more schools and districts to think outside the box and consider implementing book vending machines as part of a comprehensive strategy to combat chronic absenteeism. By doing so, we can turn the page on this educational challenge and write a new chapter in student success, one book at a time.





Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools


Delano CA


Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine



Connor Russo

Connor is the Director of Marketing and Account Executive at Global Vending Group, Inc. He is also a founding member of the book vending team, where he has played a key role in driving growth and client success over the past six years. Connor holds a degree in Marketing and Finance from the University of Buffalo School of Management, giving him a strong foundation in business strategy and market development.