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David GaygenAug 9, 2024 3:04:10 PM4 min read

How Sponsorships and Book Vending Boost School Literacy

How Sponsorships and Book Vending Boost School Literacy

In today's world, educational disparities continue to challenge our schools and communities. When resources are scarce, community support becomes essential. At, we believe that a community's strength lies in its ability to come together and support its youngest members. Innovative solutions and corporate sponsorships are making a difference. For example, Beadle Lake Elementary School in Battle Creek, Michigan is an inspiring example.

The Challenge: Bridging the Gap in Reading Access


Jody Ledbetter is the MTSS (multi-tiered system of support) coach at Beadle Lake Elementary. She identified a critical issue facing many schools today:

"Some kids have access to a ton of books and literacy at home, while others may only have access to the books available at school."

This disparity in reading access is not unique to Battle Creek. Across the nation, children with limited resources at home often struggle to keep pace with their peers. This learning gap hinders both their academic growth and their potential to develop a lifelong love of reading.


An Innovative Solution: Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine


To address her challenge, Ledbetter proposed an innovative solution: Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine for the school. Unlike traditional snack dispensers, this machine offers a diverse selection of books, allowing students to choose reading material that excites them.

Here's how it works:

  • Students earn special gold tokens for academic achievements and good behavior
  • These tokens can be used to "purchase" books from the vending machine
  • Students gain a sense of ownership over their reading choices

"The opportunity to have a book that's theirs can inspire a lifelong love of reading," Ledbetter explained.


The Power of Corporate Sponsorships

Ledbetter's vision became a reality thanks to a sponsorship from Family Fare's One School at a Time grant, which awarded the school $1,000 to support the project. This type of community involvement plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between educational needs and available resources.

Corporate sponsorships offer numerous benefits for schools and the sponsoring companies:

  1. Brand Visibility and Recognition: Sponsors can increase their brand visibility by customizing the vending machine with their logos and colors, creating a moving advertisement in educational settings.
  2. Community Engagement and Impact: Sponsoring a Bookworm Vending Machine allows companies to directly engage with local communities and schools, demonstrating commitment to social responsibility and education.
  3. Long-term Impact on Literacy: By promoting literacy and encouraging reading among students, sponsors contribute to the long-term educational success of the community, which can also lead to a more educated workforce in the future.
  4. Positive Public Relations: Holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony and inviting local media creates a positive story that the entire community can rally behind.'s Corporate Partners


Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine: A Model for Success

At, we're committed to creating accessible reading opportunities for all students. Our Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine aligns perfectly with initiatives like Ledbetter's, providing schools with an innovative way to offer books to students.

Key features of Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine include:

  • A diverse selection of books catering to different reading levels and interests
  • A reward system encouraging positive behavior and academic achievements
  • Easy accessibility, fostering independence and responsibility in students

Sponsorship Made Easy

We understand that companies want to make a difference but may not have the resources to manage a sponsorship program. That's why we offer a comprehensive sponsorship package that includes:

  1. Design Team & Custom Branding: Our designers can create a custom co-branded machine for you and the recipient, with branding templates that enable scalability.
  2. Book Procurement: We've partnered with top publishers to create turn-key bundles for your initial order and reorder.
  3. Logistics & Delivery: We handle all logistics and coordination directly with your recipient.
  4. Help Center & Customer Success: Our help center makes parts ordering and quick troubleshooting easy for your recipients.
  5. Ongoing Service & Support: We handle all service and support inquiries, for free, for the life of the machine.

Success Stories

The impact of these sponsorships is already being felt across the country. Sheena Morgan from Atmos Energy shares:

"Our donation of the book vending machine bridged a gap. It's going to give our students a chance to really get excited about reading. Together we accelerate student success."

Similarly, Save the Children US has recognized the power of this initiative. Janti Soeripto, President and CEO, states:

"Together with the school district and community leaders, Save the Children US has placed book vending machines throughout one eastern Kentucky county to help children spark a love of reading and grow their home libraries."


Empowering Students Through Literacy

Beadle Lake Elementary School's story highlights the significant impact that corporate sponsorships can have on education. When local businesses and organizations unite for a common cause, they create lasting change and empower students.

As we continue to champion innovative solutions like Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine, we encourage everyone to explore sponsorship opportunities in their own communities. By investing in education and supporting initiatives that promote literacy, we can all play a role in nurturing a generation of enthusiastic readers.

Your community needs you to get involved. Together, we can create a strong foundation for our children's future—one book at a time.



David Gaygen

There is something exciting about a book vending machine. Everyone who hears about it, instantly wants to be a part of it—and that is David's favorite part of the job. In addition to being the community manager and content creator at, he also enjoys being part of the Reading Revolution Podcast. Read. Reward. Inspire. That's what it's all about. Join David and this ever-growing community of educators and literacy champions at