The Reading Revolution Blog

The Importance of Sending Positive Notes Home + [With Templates]

Written by Jake Blumberg | May 29, 2024 4:54:30 PM


The Importance of Sending Positive Notes Home [With Templates]

By: Jake Blumberg | May 29th, 2024

The practice of sending a positive note home from teacher to parent is a simple yet profound tool that can have lasting effects on student wellbeing, school culture, and a happy home. Let's delve into why positive notes matter, and how they align with frameworks like Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL).


Table of contents:


The Power of Positive Reinforcement For Students

Positive reinforcement is a cornerstone of effective teaching. By recognizing and rewarding positive behavior, we nurture an environment that encourages repetition of those behaviors. Sending a positive note home is an extension of this reinforcement that bridges the gap between school and home, solidifying the positive feedback loop.

Boosting Student Self-Esteem and Motivation

When a student receives a positive note home, it's a clear signal that their efforts are noticed and valued. This recognition can significantly boost their self-esteem and motivate them to maintain or improve their behavior or academic performance.

Strengthening School-Home Connection

Sending positive notes home reinforces the connection between educators and parents. It demonstrates a teacher’s commitment to their students' development beyond academic achievements, highlighting the importance of social and emotional growth.

MTSS and SEL Alignment

Positive notes home are a proactive strategy that aligns with the MTSS framework, which aims to provide support for all students' success. It also correlates with SEL by promoting the development of self-awareness, self-management, and responsible decision-making.

Crafting the Perfect Positive Note Home

A well-crafted note can make all the difference. Here are some key elements to consider when writing a positive note home.

Be Specific and Personal

Generic praises can feel insincere. Instead, be specific about the behavior or achievement you’re acknowledging. This not only makes the note more personal but also helps the student understand exactly what they did right.

Encourage Continued Growth

While celebrating the current success, it’s also a good idea to encourage continued growth. A simple line about looking forward to seeing more of the same behavior can motivate students to keep it up.

Keep It Positive and Uplifting

The tone of the note should be wholly positive and uplifting. Even if there are areas the student needs to work on, keep this communication focused on their strengths.

Positive Note Home Templates

To make sending positive notes home an easy and regular practice, here are some templates you can use and adapt to fit different situations.

Template for Academic Achievement

Dear [Parent's Name],

I wanted to take a moment to celebrate Student's Name's fantastic work in Subject/Area. He/She/They describe the specific accomplishment or behavior, which shows his/her/their dedication and hard work. It's a pleasure to have Student's Name in class, and I am excited to see how he/she/they continues to excel.

Warm regards, Your Name

Template for Social/Behavioral Success

Dear [Parent's Name],

I am delighted to share that Student's Name has been describe the positive behavior. This kind of behavior/attitude not only enhances our classroom environment but also demonstrates Student's Name's growth in social and emotional learning. Thank you for your support from home, and let's continue to encourage him/her/them together!

Best, Your Name

Implementing Positive Notes Home in Your Classroom


Start with a Plan

Decide how often you want to send positive notes home and which behaviors or achievements you’ll focus on. It could be weekly, biweekly, or monthly, depending on what works best for your classroom dynamic.

Make It a Routine

Incorporate writing positive notes into your weekly routine. By setting aside specific time for this task, you ensure that it becomes a consistent practice.

Involve Students in the Process

Consider involving students in identifying positive behaviors in their peers. This not only takes some of the workload off the teacher but also fosters a culture of positivity among students.

The Impact on School Culture and Home Environment

When positive notes become a norm, the entire school culture can shift towards a more positive, supportive environment. At home, parents are more likely to feel engaged and supportive of the school’s efforts, creating a happy home atmosphere that values education and personal growth.

Building a Community of Positivity

Positive notes home encourage a community where everyone—teachers, students, and parents—looks for and celebrates the good. This shared focus on positivity can transform the overall school culture.

Encouraging Parental Involvement

Parents who receive positive notes are more likely to feel connected and involved in their child's education. This can lead to increased parental engagement and support for school initiatives.

Overcoming Challenges

While the benefits are clear, teachers may face challenges in implementing this practice. Time constraints, large class sizes, and focusing on students who regularly exhibit positive behavior can make it difficult to send notes home consistently.

Solutions for Common Hurdles

To overcome these challenges, teachers can use templates, set realistic goals for note frequency, and ensure that every student receives a positive note at some point during the school year.

The Bottom Line

Positive notes home are more than just a pleasant surprise for students and parents; they're a powerful tool in promoting a positive school culture, enhancing student wellbeing, and fostering a supportive learning environment. By integrating this simple practice into your classroom routine, you can make a significant impact on your students' educational journey. Use the provided templates as a starting point and watch as the ripple effects of positivity spread throughout your school and into students' homes.


If you're looking to send home more than just notes to encourage your students, consider Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine -- a school-wide rewards system where students earn golden tokens to choose their book of choice. Students get to take these books home to keep.