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Student & Author Titus Ehlen showing off his book, featured in the school's vending machine
David GaygenSep 5, 2024 6:40:07 AM3 min read

Student's Book in Vending Machine? How Inchy Rewards Readers' Dreams

Student's Book in Vending Machine? How Inchy Rewards Readers' Dreams

Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine is as versatile as it is exciting. There's no right or wrong way to reward students' behavior or academic accomplishments with this innovative tool. We've heard of schools giving out birthday books, others rewarding great behavior, but when one student got his book published, his school decided to take inspiration to a whole new level.

 A Novel Approach to Inspiring Young Readers

When it comes to encouraging literacy, creativity knows no bounds. That's exactly what North Grove Elementary demonstrated when they featured fifth-grader Titus Ehlen's newly published graphic novel in their Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine. This unique approach celebrates young authorship while inspiring Titus’s peers to dive into reading and writing.

Titus Ehlen with his pubslished graphic novel

Titus's Journey: From Dream to Vending Machine

Two years ago, Titus Ehlen shared a dream with his mother, Cherie: he wanted to create a comic book. Little did they know that this conversation would lead to a published book and a school-wide celebration. Here's how it unfolded:

  • Titus completed his comic book in just two weeks
  • His mother, Cherie, spent two years navigating the publishing process
  • The result: "Terrific Titus," a hand-drawn graphic novel
  • As a bonus, the school featured the book in their Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine


Student Author Titus Ehlen with friends and teacher


The Power of Peer Inspiration

By placing Titus's book in the vending machine, North Grove Elementary tapped into a powerful motivator: peer inspiration. Here's why this approach is so effective:

  • Students see that their own work can be valued and shared
  • It creates a tangible goal for aspiring young writers
  • Reading becomes more appealing when the authors are relatable peers


Student Author Titus Ehlen infront of book vending machine where his title is featured


Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine: A Hub of Possibilities

This story highlights the versatility of Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine. It's not just a tool for dispensing books; it's a platform for:

  • Celebrating student achievements
  • Promoting literacy in an engaging way
  • Encouraging creativity and authorship
  • Creating a sense of community around reading


Beyond Traditional Rewards

While many schools use Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine for traditional rewards, North Grove Elementary's approach shows there's room for innovation. 

Consider these possibilities:

  • Featuring student-authored works
  • Highlighting books by local authors like the Noir Bookshop does
  • Rotating collections based on themes or seasons
  • Allowing students to vote on new additions

Titus Ehlen's published graphic novel


The Ripple Effect of Recognition

When schools recognize and celebrate student achievements in such a public way, it creates a ripple effect:

  • Other students are motivated to write and create
  • Reading takes on a new, exciting dimension
  • The school culture shifts towards valuing literacy and creativity


Implementing Your Own Innovative Approach

Inspired by North Grove Elementary's idea? Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Encourage student writing projects
  2. Partner with local publishers or use self-publishing platforms
  3. Create a selection process for featuring student works
  4. Use Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine as a showcase for these achievements


Turning Readers into Writers, Writers into Inspirations

Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine is more than just a novel way to distribute books – it's a catalyst for inspiration. By thinking creatively about how we use these tools, we can transform our approach to literacy, turning readers into writers, and writers into inspirations for their peers.

Are you ready to take your school's literacy program to the next level? Consider how you can use Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine to not just reward reading, but to inspire a whole new generation of authors.

*Want to learn more about how Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine can revolutionize reading in your school? Discover the possibilities with Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine and start inspiring your students today!*


David Gaygen

There is something exciting about a book vending machine. Everyone who hears about it, instantly wants to be a part of it—and that is David's favorite part of the job. In addition to being the community manager and content creator at, he also enjoys being part of the Reading Revolution Podcast. Read. Reward. Inspire. That's what it's all about. Join David and this ever-growing community of educators and literacy champions at