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KFC Foundation
David GaygenApr 24, 2024 10:24:08 AM4 min read

KFC Foundation Grants Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine

KFC Foundation Grants Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine



Children in Anson County, North Carolina have a new reason to get excited about reading. Introducing Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine, exclusively provided by Global Vending Group. Thanks to a $10,000 grant from the KFC Foundation, this grant program offers free and equitable access to books.

Grant from the KFC Foundation

The KFC Foundation is donating $1 million to help community projects. The KFC Foundation supports communities through the Kentucky Fried Wishes program by funding non-profit development initiatives. One-hundred non-profit organizations throughout the country received funds.

The KFC Foundation is an independent non-profit organization. They are lead by a board consisting of KFC employees and franchisees. The foundation thrives on financial contributions from Round Up donations and purchases of KFC's Secret Recipe Fries.

In Anson County, several KFC restaurant employees volunteered their time helping Anson County Partnership for Children. Thanks to them, the Kentucky Fried Wishes grant will pay for a book vending machine (and books!) in the health department's waiting room.

Grant funds purchased and stocked the book vending machine, stationed in the waiting room of the local health department. This strategic location provide kids visiting the health department with books. Everyone involved is excited about promoting reading and education in the community.

Promoting Literacy and Early Childhood Education

Anson County Partnership for Children works to make early education better, support families, improve health, and increase literacy. The nonprofit organization is also primary resource for North Carolina's Smart Start Initiative in the county. In all 100 counties in the state, there are non-profit groups with the same goal of improving early childhood education.

Exciting news for Anson County Partnership for Children! The KFC Foundation generously granted them $10,000. They used the funds to purchase and stock a book vending machine, found in the waiting room of the local health department.

Carolina Goins, Executive Director of ACPC, said in an interview with Spectrum 1 that children will benefit the most. While waiting with their parents at the health department, children receive a gold Inchy token to use at the vending machine. The book is theirs to keep, building a home library.

"Just having a small personal library will benefit a child up to 3 years," Goins said.  "It also teaches social-emotional skills, so they relate to the characters in the book, and they learn how to deal with problems."

Goins says Smart Start improved the quality of early childhood education through literacy programs, including Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. Anson County provides training, assistance for families, and a free Pre-K program for 150 children annually. This is all part of their effort to support the community.

The Smart Start Initiative was established in 1993, and Anson County established its center in 1996. Goins has held her position for a span of nine years. In that time, she has observed the transformation of early childhood education.

"Child care was seen as babysitting. So not only are we trying to professionalize the workforce and help people understand the importance of learning, but we're trying to offer that high-quality access across the community," Goins said during her interview.

Carolina Goins, Executive Director of the Anson County Partnership for Children, emphasized the importance of early childhood education.

 "Whether children are learning at home or in child care facilities, the first five years of a child's life are the most important for learning and development."

Community Collaboration and Impact

Together, the Anson County Partnership for Children and KFC Foundation are creating positive change in communities. The grant funding received from the KFC Foundation offers more than financial assistance. It represents a mutual dedication to empowering children through education and literacy.

Emma Horn, Executive Director of the KFC Foundation, expressed her pride in supporting local non-profit organizations.

"We’re so inspired by the work of these incredible non-profits. We are honored to help serve joy by positively impacting hundreds of communities across the country with this funding." she continued

A Brighter Future Through Reading

Many KFC local employees have sent their children to Anson County Partnership for Children programs through the years. They see it as more than just a vending machine. It represents an investment in the future of the community's children. This program gives free books to all kids, no matter their background, to help them enjoy reading and learning.

Bring Book Vending To Your Community is proud to inspire a movement greater than ourselves. In our opinion, every company should prioritize social responsibility. That is why we are proud to use our program to bolster literacy for all students. This program gets kids excited about reading by making it the reward instead of an assignment.

Is your organization currently in search of funding for a book vending machine? Do you need grant support? New literacy grant opportunities are constantly available. Take a look at Northeast Elementary School's success with the Dollar General Literacy Foundation grant program.

Feel free to contact us any time. Collectively, we have the ability to ensure that every child has access to books.


David Gaygen

There is something exciting about a book vending machine. Everyone who hears about it, instantly wants to be a part of it—and that is David's favorite part of the job. In addition to being the community manager and content creator at, he also enjoys being part of the Reading Revolution Podcast. Read. Reward. Inspire. That's what it's all about. Join David and this ever-growing community of educators and literacy champions at